Stage 3 Part IV Sea Dragon,
Seventh Opening.
You went into the cave, go to top left cave.
Walk all the way thru to this cave.
Walk all the way thru to this cave.
Go to right down cave to get the
2nd Door Card.
Go to middle cave to get more Cards.
Go to top right cave.
Get out here.
Open 2nd Door and face Sea Dragon. Don't
waste stuff on him, he will sent
you back to beginning.
Kanon sents you back to beginning. To stop
him from doing that, go to Solent.
Talk with Solent.
Get the Symphony
Card. Go fight Kanon again.
Face Kanon, don't fight him until you use
Symphony Card and
then fight him
Get the Shield Card.
Talk with
After talking to Kanon, destroy the Pillar,
walk down and get the Card.
You get the Saggtarius
Fight Mermaid for the last time.
Get this card.
Get this card.
You get the Big Cosmo Card.
Use the Sagittarius
Card once you start the fight.
Go out on the other side and use Big
Cosmo Card at Main Breadwinner.
Go in and talk
with Athena.
Go out and defeat Poseidon.
When you hit him enough, Athena will come
with her vase and seal Poseidon's
Mermaid saves Julian and don't know what's
going on. Mermaid tells him it was a dream.
"From now
on, with Athena!"
You finished the game, Good job!
Goto Dialgoue Translation /
Page created October 3, 1997